About book

Sex For Success

It is the story of Kabeer. Kabeer is a middle class young, happy, caring and loving youth born and brought up in Bangalore. Kabeer is a male Sex . I hope you have sex . If so know that it is your story. Kabeer has a dream. Kabeer has finished his graduation in Computer science but he wants to become an investment banker. In his quest to discover his dreams, sex becomes his ladder. His father helps him climb. You should read my book, if you have a dream. This book will open up the secret code of success that for centuries has been transforming ordinary men and women into legendary professionals and human beings, “Rich outside Richer inside”.

Watch out the tRailer

Sixteen reasons why you should read “Sex For Success."

1) If you want to experience the joy of being a business owner, whether it is a large,  medium, or small enterprise, size does matter!  

2) You are looking for a job but cannot find one. In that case, the “sex techniques” will help  you improve your employability quotient and develop you as a global professional and a  human being.  

3) To experience that entrepreneurship is not limited to starting a business. It is a mindset  and a way of life for the extraordinary professionals of the 21st century, the century of GIG  professionals. 

4) To learn “sex techniques “and become the God of sales, the most desirable one, the  charming magnet. 

5) To improve your quality of life and make it an experience to cherish for a lifetime. This life  is the only opportunity. Today is the only day. Do it here and now! 

6) To improve your human and business management quotient, be it at a job in a  managerial or leadership position or running your enterprise. 

7) You are pursuing graduation or have completed it; you have a dream, passion, and desire  to build your startup but are developing the “cold feet” syndrome. 

8) You are an early-stage entrepreneur and must know that 90% of startups fail within one  to five years, only 10% survive beyond, and only 1% become unicorns. Are you ready for the  game?  

9)You want to pursue an MBA to improve business and human management skills for  exponential business growth or to get higher-paying jobs but cannot due to time or financial  constraints and looking for an alternative to an MBA program. Why should MBAs have all the  fun?

10) To experience that becoming a leader is a quality driven by an unwavering inner power  within every individual and to experience the best version of yourself

11) To become an MBA class professional at a fraction of the time and cost compared to a  regular MBA degree program, irrespective of your academic performance (Graduation), or  profession.  

12) To experience prioritizing quality over quantity is essential to achieving a fulfilling life,  successful relationships, personal or professional, and a thriving career or business. 

13) To experience that time is the only wealth and know-how youths of India are trained for  over 20 years of their education to waste it—habits we all have.  

14) To experience that the only education needed is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, a mind made of heart.” All in one, one in all.  

15) You are on a career break and feel it is too late to restart and succeed. 

16) To experience alone, you are enough to be what you want, “the only success and  purpose of life.”

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